Sallantro lime

Fashion Report Cutie ♥ Hype Catte ♥ Bench Cleaner

Salla ♥

Given name: Tsahla Moshantu
Aliases: Salla, Sallantro Lime, Tsahla Moshantu-Sylve
Race: Miqo'te - Keeper of the Moon
Status: Her Eternity Ring is inscribed with Sall'sa Picante, but their heart is completed by Knucks McHuggins
Physical appearance: Cute as a button.

Tsahla was born into careless circumstances. Her parents were drifters, hooligans. She lived in the wind with them and their wandering tribe of thieves and misfits, enduring a variety of neglect and abuse, until she was old enough to survive on her own and nobody was bothered that she disappeared anyway.
As a young Miqo'te with essentially no socialization, she was nothing more than a wary and confused streetcat, getting her paws into anything that would keep her on this shiny bauble for one more day. She found herself in trouble many times, though never anything serious. It didn't take her long to know that she didn't feel right stealing from small camps and recognizable people... but she was quickly chased out of both Gridania and Limsa for putting her hands on things that did not belong to her.As she struggled with survival and coping with her lonely past and sordid background, she knew that the key to her happiness was love. All of it, from anyone and everyone. She found joy easily in making people laugh and smile, which helped her silly personality bloom.It was not long after that when she met Sall'sa, whom she instantly became entwined with. As she continued to shed the skin of her former life, and become "domesticated" with Sall'sa, she took on new names until finally settling upon the outlandish Sallantro Lime. It is now, with the comfort and security of a full heart, that she begins her journey.


OOC Information

I am a roleplay sprout so forgive me if my style is wacky or unusual. I'm paving my own pathway... If you have an idea, run it by me. Worst case scenario I will let you down gently!I am choosy about what I share OOC. Don't be offended. :) I'm here to play games so let's do that!
